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Regeneration is about restoring relationships - with our land, our animals, our communities and ourselves.

Regenerative Landwirtschaft bedeutet, mehr Fragen zu stellen, statt eindeutige Antworten zu kennen. Wir unterstützen Menschen, Höfe und Gemeinschaften dabei, ganzheitliche Entscheidungen für sich selbst und die Regeneration ihres Ökosystem zu treffen – ökologisch, finanziell und persönlich nachhaltig für einen gemeinsamen Weg.

Holistic Management is a journey.

Was wir für und mit euch machen

Trainings & workshops

Start for your regenerative path.

Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV)

Monitoring for your land

Community und Storytelling

Gemeinsam Gemeinschaft schaffen.

+++ The next Holistic Management Journey in German starts on February 19th 2025. +++

Further training and workshop dates for 2025 can be found here:
Holistic Management

A holistic approach for regeneration

Holistic Management - Beneficiaries 1
Holistic Management - Beneficiaries 2

for land stewards, farm teams, and landowners - who strive for a change towards regenerative ways of working with their land and their own resources.

Holistic Management - Beneficiaries 3
Holistic Management - Beneficiaries 4

für Menschen, Organisationen, Teams und Gemeinschaften, who want to make a transition to regenerative approaches within their own structures or support farmers in doing so.

Holistic decision-making

Why we need to manage differently

Worldwide, the state of our land is deteriorating - including all communities living on, under and in it - which has ecological, social and economic consequences both locally and globally. This trend can be seen worldwide in all areas of our society, such as politics, education, health and agriculture.

Wir stehen vor komplexen Problemen und versuchen diese mit reduktionistischen Lösungen anzugehen. Zusammen mit dem Werkzeug „Technologie“, das wir immer wieder als einziges Werkzeug einsetzen, verlieren wir die Verbindung zu den Systemen um uns herum, um mit diesen komplexen Herausforderungen umgehen zu können.

Through the work with Holistic Management we bring a different form - and goodness - of decision-making to lifebased on the three areas we manage (social, economic and ecological).

Knowledge and sharing of best practices from a wider world of farming practitioners is essential. At the same time, a sound vision and a detailed understanding of the unique context of your farm is what can help you avoid wasting time and resourceswhile regenerating land, ecosystems and communities.

Regeneration is community

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EOV and Holistic Management in action

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